Portugal is on 2nd place within 127 countries regarding the importance given to technology

According to the “Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008” from the World Economic Forum, Portugal holds the 28th position in the "Networked Readiness Index (NRI)", which measures the degree of preparation, participation and development of a country regarding to the use of the benefits of information and communications technologies. Within the EU countries Portugal is on 14th place in front of Spain, Italy and Greece.
Regarding the importance of ICT to government vision of the future Portugal is on 2nd place, the 9th in Time required to start a business, 10th ICT use and government efficiency and 12th in government readiness.

View Network Readiness Index NRI Country Details Portugal (7,28 KB)
View "Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008" Executive Summary (279,28 KB)