Decision support tools for investment location and business development in Portugal.

WTIP highlights

Newsletter 6/2009
The new newsletter is available. You can see it here.
WTIP database updated

The WTIP database has just been updated, using the most recent data from oficial sources.

Newsletter 5/2009 SPECIAL EDITION MUNICIPALITIES: Vila Nova de Gaia

This is the third newsletter dedicated to municipalities subscribed in of the SPECIAL EDITION MUNICIPALITIES launched in 2009. The WTIP newsletter 5/2009 is dedicated to the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia.



WTIP news

Portuguese economy better than expected

While most countries have confirmed their economies suffered heavily at the hands of the global economic slowdown which started last year, Portugal this week learnt, contrary to initial expectations, that its economy had not contracted last year in relation to 2007, as had been widely predicted in provisional estimates.

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Portugal improved in 2009 Index of Economic Freedom

Portugal's economic freedom score is 64.9, making its economy the 53rd freest (out of 183 countries) in the 2009 Index. Its score is 1 point higher than last year, reflecting improvements in five of the 10 economic freedoms, particularly financial freedom. Portugal is ranked 25th out of 43 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is above the world average.

OECD Review of Budgeting in Portugal

The review of budgeting in Portugal was carried out at the request of the Portuguese authories and concentrates on the national government only.
The objective of OECD budgeting peer reviews is to provide a comprehensive overview of the budget process in the country under examination, to evaluate national experiences in the light of international best practice, and to provide specific policy recommendations.

View OECD Review of Budgeting in Portugal (568,23 KB)

WTIP newsletter

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Documents archive

Commercial Establishments - Larger-size units (Portuguese/English)
View (1,28 MB)
European Innovation Scoreboard 2008 - comparative analysis of innovation performance
View (456,98 KB)
Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2007, Issue Year: 2008 (English and Portuguese)
View (9,27 MB)