Decision support tools for investment location and business development in Portugal.

WTIP highlights

WTIP database Updated
More than 60 indicators in the WTIP database were just updated. It is recalled that the update takes place every three months, based on information gathered from various entities.
WTIP database updated!
More than 60 indicators in the WTIP database were just updated. It is recalled that the update takes place every three months, based on information gathered from various entities
Newsletter 7/2009 – Special Edition Municipalities: Santa Maria da Feira
WTIP has just released the latest newsletter Special Edition dedicated to Santa Maria da Feira. For further information, please click here.


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WTIP news

Portugal Economic Snapshot 2010
Cushman & Wakefield has just released the Snapshots concerning economic activities in Portugal for 2010.
View Portugal Economical Snapshot 2010 (260,06 KB)
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2010
According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2010, released by the Institute for Management Development (IMD), Portugal is ranked 37th among 57 countries. For more info please visit
Portugal Grows GDP in the first two quarters 2010
According to Eurostat euro indicators the Portuguese economy has shown a positive e response with a growth of the GDP in the first Quarter of 2010 of 1.8% and 1.4% in the second Quarter when compared with the same period of 2009.

WTIP newsletter

Geographical Coverage accessed from 28 countries in December 2010.
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Documents archive

Portugal Economic Snapshot
View (1,24 MB)
OECD Review of Budgeting in Portugal
View (568,23 KB)