Decision support tools for investment location and business development in Portugal.

WTIP highlights

Newsletter 6/2009
The new newsletter is available. You can see it here.
WTIP database updated

The WTIP database has just been updated, using the most recent data from oficial sources.

Newsletter 5/2009 SPECIAL EDITION MUNICIPALITIES: Vila Nova de Gaia

This is the third newsletter dedicated to municipalities subscribed in of the SPECIAL EDITION MUNICIPALITIES launched in 2009. The WTIP newsletter 5/2009 is dedicated to the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia.



Portugal: An Empire Revisited  International Affairs Review
Portugal and the Ocean Economy  Welcome to the United Nations
Portugal  Department of State

WTIP news

Portugal on 17th position in Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009

Portugal ranks 17 out of 133 countries in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 released by the World Economic Forum on Wednesday.  Last year Portugal ranked 15 out of 124 countries, which means that Portugal maintained the same level.

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View Ranking Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 (235,77 KB)
View Country Profile Portugal - Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 (380,88 KB)
View The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 (2,86 MB)
The economic activity

This bilingual publication concerning the Portuguese aconomic acrivity in the year 2007 published by Statistics Portugal contains statistical data on themes, such as environment, international trade, prices, national accounts, tourism, housing and construction in order to enable a characterization of the economic activity in Portugal.

View The Economic Activity - 2007 (Portuguese/English), Issue year: 2009 (1,24 MB)
Key figures on Europe. 2009 edition

This publication released by Eurostat in January 2009 provides a balanced set of key statistical data on the European Union. Data are generally provided for the European Union total (EU-27), the euro area and the Member States, and - when available - for the candidate countries, the EFTA countries, Japan and the United States. The presentation largely follows the nine statistical themes of Eurostat's free dissemination database: economy and finance; population and social conditions; industry, trade and services; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; international trade; transport; environment and energy; science and technology; and regional statistics.

View Key figures on Europe. 2009 edition - Eurostat Pocketbooks (2,05 MB)

WTIP newsletter

Geographical Coverage accessed from 28 countries in December 2010.
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Documents archive

Portugal Economic Snapshot
View (1,24 MB)
OECD Review of Budgeting in Portugal
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