
The function MAYOR_invites is a space where the mayor of the municipality himself presents the arguments he considers to justify an installation of business units in the territory of his municipality, through a pre-established interview which includes the following questions:

  1. What is the long-term vision you have regarding the development of your municipality?
  2. Why do you consider your municipality to be attractive as a location for companies and businesses?  
  3. Do you think that the municipality has a vocation and is in the position to receive Foreign Direct Investment?
  4. And concerning Domestic Investors?
  5. Is there any person or service available with the task to support potential investors who are considering establishing their production units in your municipality?
  6. Which specific incentives could be offered to entrepreneurs who intend establishing their units in your municipality?
  7. What is the availability of labour in the area?
  8. How is the municipality being promoted so as to attract investors?
  9. Is there a specific message you have for potential investors?

The space MAYOR_invites is available in English and Portuguese and is free of charge.